var slideshow_play = true; var slideshow_view_id = 'slideshow_featured'; // The View id $(document).ready(function() { // For each slide we are going to add a link that reveals it $('.view-id-slideshow_featured .view-content').each(function() { var slideshow = $(this); var number = 0; var pager = $('
') $(this).children('div').each(function() { var slide = $(this); number++; var link = $(''+ number +''); pager.append(link); { // When we selected a slide we don't want to play the slideshow anymore slideshow_play = false; // Move the slide at the top of the stack and reveals it slide.hide(); slideshow.append(slide); // Move the active class on the link of the current slide pager.children('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); slide.fadeIn('slow'); }); }); // We add the pager if necessary if (number) slideshow.after(pager); }); // Run it once to initialize on the first slide switchSlide(); // Every six seconds execute the switchSlide() function setInterval( "switchSlide()", 6000); }); /** * Switch from one slide to the next one */ function switchSlide() { if (slideshow_play) { var slideshow = $('.view-id-'+ slideshow_view_id +' .view-content'); var slide = $('.view-id-'+ slideshow_view_id +' .view-content > div:first'); var pager = $('.view-id-'+ slideshow_view_id +' .slideshow-pager'); // Move the slide at the top of the stack and reveals it slide.hide(); slideshow.append(slide); // Move the active class on the link of the current slide pager.children('.active').removeClass('active').next('a').addClass('active'); if (!pager.children('.active').length) pager.children('a:first').addClass('active'); slide.fadeIn('slow'); } }